Missionaries change and save lives… SGC saves lives.

Bold and disruptive – SGC exists to support you.  We support missionaries and sending organizations serving as church planters, doctors, nurses, teachers, pilots, builders, and trades people.

There are seventeen organizations in the U.S. government providing information solutions globally.  While some could argue they serve a greater good…

There are a fraction of that number of organizations serving well and solely supporting missionaries serving globally offering advanced information solutions.

So We Started SGC.

And we do this all for free  –  because we serve with a community who believe this work is as important as we do.

Have you been called to join us?

So what do we actually do?

Upon request, you receive an open-source global risk product and a professional, corporate-level city and country risk assessments for free.

Depending on the risk of the location you travel, we also conduct pre-travel liaison with appropriate consular or embassy personnel, provide two-way crisis communication capability, provide real-time global risk monitoring via two different threat monitoring suites, provide technical GPS tracking with global emergency response capability, and partner with other security organizations to support other various client needs… again, for FREE.

Our ministry exists so you can spend less time thinking about safety and security and more time serving.